What unites bankruptcy, tax disputes, maritime law and the activities of companies in tax-free and low-tax jurisdictions? Thousands of nuances and subtleties, the need for simultaneous application of a multitude of regulations, non-standard situations, exact observance of the client's interests and the absolute uniqueness of each case.
And we are unites these four completely different directions - Academy of Legal Solutions.
But here there is an obvious and simple question - some strange and incompatible areas of activity. How can one company remove the arbitration managers, negotiate to increase the insurance coverage of furniture, electronics and navigation equipment, and cooperate with agents about servicing companies, and make claims for VAT refunds? At first glance, this seems not only impossible, but also unproductive.
Four areas coexist harmoniously and organically. The secret lies in combining several companies and narrow specialization of employees. The first allows you to build work effectively, and the second helps to circumvent all the pitfalls, even in the most difficult circumstances.
4Legal – an international forum for lawyers and attorneys. It is dedicated primarily to the conduction and business development.
The main topics of the past September 20, 2018 events were the alignment of business processes and interaction with customers.
In terms of business processes, the keynote was the use of innovative technologies to facilitate the daily routine work of lawyers. For example, preparation of standard documents, filling in details of organizations, proofreading of multi-page documents. Now almost all of these tasks can be solved by trained neural networks and special software. Effectively applying the achievements in the IT sphere, lawyers, in turn, devote more time to their professional activities, rather than technical work.
Regarding interaction with customers, speakers advised to pay attention to the personal brand.
It is an excellent means for promotion of the company. Potential customers are easier to trust a particular person than an abstract organization. In addition, when using a personal brand, one can feel the personal responsibility of the manager, his personal interest in achieving results. Using the same social networks to promote a brand can be an excellent help in the development of a company both in terms of awareness and establishing relations.
And finally, all the speakers paid attention to one important detail: conducting the legal business means not only conducting consultations and preparing documents, but also selling, working with reviews and working with colleagues.
17 февраля
Суд напомнил, что размер удержанной госзаказчиком неустойки можно оспорить.
Постановление АС Волго-Вятского округа от 05.10.2018 по делу N А28-15766/2017.
17 февраля
Суд указал, когда списание налоговой недоимки со счета может произойти и при обеспечительных мерах.
Постановление АС Западно-Сибирского округа от 26.10.2018 по делу N А67-8534/2017.
17 февраля
Налоговики пояснили особенности оформления итогов допмероприятий налогового контроля.
Письмо ФНС России от 19.10.2018 N ЕД-4-2/20515.
We are believe that the main task of the Academy of Legal Decisions is to make the law a tool for business development, its faithful assistant, and pave the way for success in the world of dispositions, hypotheses and sanctions.
Speaking at the creditor's side, our experts helps to recovers the maximum possible amount from the debtors. And protecting debtors does not allow lenders to make illegal claims.
For effective business development, always wants to reduce the tax burden and, moreover, to do it legally. If this is your goal, then we will conduct a tax audit of the organization and develop the most effective and legal legal framework for activities.